Monday 4 January 2016

Results are In

*Trigger warning for those currently struggling with infertility.* 

December 18, 2015. A day like any other day, except it wasn't any other day. It was the day that we were going to find out whether or not our second IVF attempt worked or failed. I didn't know what to think. Part of me didn't have any hope because, well every other treatment we've done hadn't worked, so why should this one, but then there was another part of me that really felt that this could be our time. Every other treatment cycle I had started to spot a day or two before the beta. I had always told myself that it hadn't meant anything, but it always did, failure. This time, I hadn't experienced any of that. 

I was soo emotional driving to the clinic and then in to work. I was talking to the little embryos inside me telling them all about the life they would have if only they would give us a chance. I was crying off and on, so hopeful that it worked, and so fearful that it didn't. The few hours that I had to wait until I received the call with the news was going to be the longest ever!

It was 1:06pm when the clinic called. I didn't know if I should answer the call or if I should let it go to VM and then wait until I got home and listened to it with my husband. My answer came when the phone rang, I couldn't wait another several hours to know the results, so I answered it. The nurse said 'Congratulations, you're pregnant!'. My 1st beta level was 265. I couldn't believe it! I started crying out of joy!

The first call I made was to my BFF. It was her birthday and she told me that all she wanted for us to be pregnant. It was so amazing being able to share that news for once. For nearly 3 1/2 years I heard about everyone else's BFP but it never happened to me, I only got to share sad news. 

I had come out of my office, and due to the tears on my face and obvious elation, my co-workers were now aware of our good news and had asked if I had told my husband. No, I hadn't, because I just couldn't imagine sharing that news with him over the phone. I wanted to be there to see his reaction and share that moment with him. So my coworkers encouraged me to leave and go home and celebrate with my husband. 

On my way home I stopped by a store and picked up a Willow Tree Ornament that was a 'New Dad'. I had it wrapped and brought it home. I walked in the door and he asked me right away why I was home early. I told him that I couldn't stop crying so I wanted to come home and then I told him that I got him a gift, which I wanted him to open. Of course he wasn't interested in the gift and kept asking me questions, he asked if the results were negative and I nodded my head (which he hated me for but it was worth the surprise!). He turned and gave me a hug and then I told him to open his gift because 'everyone needs a little pick me up'. He opened up the gift, looked at me and said 'you're shitting me?'. I started crying again and nodded my head yes ... We were going to be parents! Finally!! It was wonderful to be able to share that moment with him. We called our immediate families to share the news and hubby was fine with sharing our news with extended family and friends but he wanted to wait until after our second beta just make sure that it was a viable pregnancy. 

December 20, 2015 we went for our second beta and were soo elated when the nurse called to tell us that our levels rose to 525, just shy of doubling. So our announcement went out! Now, in all truthfulness the dog is not as excited about this as we are but we are hoping he will grow to love this baby as much as we already do. 

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