Tuesday 28 July 2015

Sometimes Comments Hurt.

So it’s been awhile since my last blog post a lot has gone on, but not all related to our fertility journey.

In May we moved forward with our FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) and unfortunately this failed as well. To be honest I was actually expecting this since we hadn’t had any success thus far. It was also a way I could protect myself. I had gotten my hopes up so high for our IVF, actually felt it had worked. The failure was too much for me, so I had to stay impartial this time in order to protect my mental health. Funnily enough my Naturopathic Dr. actually supported this, for I wasn’t on an emotional roller coaster, I was more regulated, which is a lot better for the body! My feeling that it wasn’t going to work did soften the blow a bit, but the devastation was still there. We just couldn’t understand why, what keeps going wrong and why we haven’t had any success yet?

I wrote on my personal Facebook page about the continual disappointments and then I had someone private message me, saying that they knew a couple people that tried to get pregnant and were unsuccessful until they went on vacation and then found themselves pregnant due to being in complete ‘relaxation mode’… Ugh! These kind of messages truly irritate me! I know people mean well but this shows me that they have never read any of the information I have posted (and trust me, I post a lot!) … ‘relaxation’ is not a cure for infertility, it just helps people cope with it. Through our three years of struggling we have paid close to $15,000 on medical procedures to assist us with getting pregnant and we work closely with a medical Dr., a specialist in this field, but please go on about how a vacation (which we can no longer afford), will help our situation. Sometimes I wonder what ever happened to people just saying ‘I am sorry for what you are going through’, or ‘that’s shitty’… I am not looking for anyone to solve my problems by venting, I am looking for support. I am looking for an outlet so that I can keep my own sanity and not fall into a further depression. I need to release my emotions, I need to talk, and honestly I find my sharing and venting to be very therapeutic for me, for it takes it off my mind even if only for a short time.

My cousin got married, which was super exciting!! While at a BBQ at my Aunt’s the day after the wedding one of my Uncle’s kept asking the bride and groom when they would start popping out babies. I said nothing, although I wanted to scream at him to shut up. The next morning I told my parents how I felt people needed to stop saying things like that because they don’t know what the couple’s situation was like. They may have already started trying, or may know that they have medical conditions which could make it challenging. There was a little defensiveness from them. They told me that people don’t mean anything by the comments and therefore I shouldn’t educate everyone, I should just let it go. My dad told me that people will never get it and that it was pointless for me to try to educate them. He then looked at me and said that he has heard that if people ‘relax’, he’s heard it can help with fertility. I was flabbergasted when he said this. My own father. Obviously never having read any educational materials I posted nor any of my blog posts. I asked him if he had read my blog and he told me he hadn’t. We have been struggling to conceive for 3 years, I have poured my heart out to my parents about my thoughts and feelings and written several blog posts going into more depth and this was the ‘support’ I was getting? ”Don’t bother educating people and ‘relax’”. I just got up and went up to my room and started crying. I was so hurt not only by his comments, but his lack of consideration for my feelings. I get that my parents are from a different time and that they couldn’t possibly understand what I am going through, but you always have this idea that they would support you no matter what and do whatever they could to understand what you are going through. Now, I know that my dad was not intentionally trying to be inconsiderate of my feelings and he definitely was not trying to hurt my feelings, he is not that kind of man, but it is because of reasons just as this, that I am a STRONG advocate for speaking up and educating. People don’t mean to be hurtful or inconsiderate but they are. I feel it is important to educate people about what you are going through and what you find helpful and supportive so that they can be more considerate and helpful to the next person they encounter dealing with a similar problem. When I was sharing these feelings to a friend of mine she brought up a good point, one that I also shared but hadn't been able to voice. Why do I have to be protective, or learn to be sensitive to other's feelings but they don't have to be protective or learn to be sensitive to mine?  

We moved at the end of June/beginning of July. The move itself was a good thing! Due to my chronic pain issues I was struggling with stairs and we felt that being in a bungalow would be better, especially when we did have kids. We spent time painting and getting the house ready before moving our belongings in, it was long and exhausting, but I what I hadn’t anticipated was the wave of sorrow I would also feel. There were several times that I had the urge to cry because I kept thinking about the empty bedroom we would have. When we first purchased this home in January I was so hopeful that when we moved in we would be painting a nursery as well, but of course this was not the case. It was hard, and since our in laws were down I kept the emotions hidden and just tried to push myself in other ways in order to keep myself busy. It didn’t help that a few days after we moved I got my period, which was painful as hell!!! Ever since the IVF and FET failed I have had tremendous cramps which have landed me in bed with a heating pad and feeling nauseous. This day was no different and it took a few hours for me to start feeling like I could move again. We spent the day running some errands and then that night we went out for dinner since it was my in-laws last day with us. With the luck I have, of course the table next to us had an infant who wouldn’t stop fussing and crying. Normally I just shut it out and pretend it’s not there, focusing on the people I am with. I put up a hard shell, not to be a cold hearted bitch who hates kids, but to protect myself from crying. But it was more challenging this time because my in-laws kept coo-ing the baby and giving us a play by play of what the issues were ‘it was too hot’, or ‘it’s playing’. More and more it was getting harder and harder to see/hear. Part of me felt the pang that my in-laws wanted a grandchild and I could not give them that, and another was the pang that my ovaries were screaming in pain and I just wanted to ignore the kid and I wasn’t able to. I know it wasn’t intentional but it affected me so much that I first cried in the washroom and then again at the table. I buried my head in my tea, not saying a word and just hoped that we would be leaving soon. How could I tell my in-laws to stop talking about the kid at the next table, or smiling at him? As much as it hurt, I know that would have been worse …

                I am not bringing up these experiences to point fingers and say ‘you hurt me’, I am bringing them up because they happen so frequently, not just to me, but to all of us struggling with infertility (really struggling with anything). We all cry ourselves to sleep and ache daily. The problem is though, we are told to ignore it and just ‘let it go’, but I don’t feel that is fair. People want us to be happy and healthy and yet we cannot say when something is hurting us. How are we to move on and heal when we are constantly bombarded with what is hurting us and we are not allowed to talk about it? Seems a little hypocritical to me. So, as much as I know this post is not going to be well received, I know it is a necessity. So often I see in support groups someone venting about what a family member, coworker, or friend said and how hurt or irritated they were by the comment. That is usually followed by a slew of comments with similar stories and irritants which is also followed by people saying how they are unable to express those emotions. They are unable to, even politely, share why the comment was hurtful to them. There are a few ladies who say that the comments don't bother them, or it does, but they just let it go, and honestly, I think that is great! But not everyone is able to do that unfortunately, and that is why education is so key! It is not to make the person feel bad for doing things 'wrong', it is about making them feel as though they are doing their best to support their loved one, by reading about what helps and hearing from that person directly. 

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